Alec Wood Rules

1) The trophy is awarded annually to the East Glam registered player with the most improved rating.

2) The winner is decided by the East Glam Committee, using data provided by the rating officer.

3) Both the rating officer and the committee have the option of consulting other Welsh rating officers.

4) The starting point is the rating list for July 1st the previous year, excluding estimated ratings.

5) Ratings based on less than ten results are considered to be estimates and shown as such on the rating site.

6) The final rating would normally be that on May 31st.

7) The committee has the option of amending the final date.

8) A change in the final date must be announced at least a month in advance.

9) The improvement will usually be the difference between the initial and final ratings.

10) The rating officer may find it necessary to increase or decrease a player's rating during the season.
In awarding the trophy the committee should endeavour to neutralise the effect of such interventions