WCU Privacy Statement

1.   What is GDPR?

The GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) has been described by the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) as a “game changer for everyone” and will require all sports clubs and associations to change the way they think about personal data. It comes into effect on 25th May 2018. Changes to data protection regulations are required as the advances in technology over recent years and the different ways that personal data is now processed (collected, stored, shared, etc.) with this new technology need to be included.

Under the new principle of accountability affiliated clubs and associations will need to be able to demonstrate their compliance with the GDPR. This will require having appropriate policies and procedures in place, complying with record keeping requirements, data management, including determining appropriate retention periods for different categories of personal data and conducting data protection impact assessments to determine risk levels of processing activities, particularly when processing sensitive personal data.

All chess clubs and zone reps will need to comply with the regulations or penalties could be imposed, including fines.  GDPR will apply to you whether you pay staff or are all volunteers, whether you have 10 members or 1000 members………… there are no exemptions!

GDPR will give EU citizens (this includes UK citizens as GDPR will still be UK law after Brexit) more control over how their personal data is used.  It will make it clearer for clubs and the WCU to understand their data protection requirements.

The reason that all clubs need to comply is that clubs collect data about its members – name, address, e-mail address, telephone number etc.  For some clubs additional data may be collected such as dates of birth, gender, emergency contact details or medical information. Personal data is defined as any held record that can identify a living person.

Note: The WCU will NOT be responsible for records that are kept by individual clubs that are used solely by the club for its own purposes.

Compliance advice for Zones and Clubs can be found here.

2.   WCU Privacy Statement and Tournament Participation Conditions.

2.1 What we need.

The WCU will be the ‘Controller’ of the personal data you provide to us, whether from clubs, zones or event organisers. We only collect basic personal data about you which does not include any special types of information. This will, however, include name, address, date of birth, email, phone number.

2.2 Why we need it

We need to know your basic personal data in order to provide you with information about the WCU and its events. We also need player registration information in line with the overall membership of your club, to provide details for the Year Book, including club official’s contact details and player’s rating and club membership details. In some cases we will need to forward a copy of your record to FIDE in order to obtain an International Rating, or to another FIDE affiliated body, for the purposes confirming your identity for rating purposes and tournament entries. We will not collect any personal data from you we do not need. If we need further information we will contact you directly. See section 2.7 for the details of what data is required and why.

2.3 What we do with it

All the personal data we process is processed by our elected officers and directors, however for the purposes of IT hosting and maintaining this information, it is located on servers within the European Union. No 3rd parties have access to your personal data unless the law allows them to do so or you have given permission.

2.4 How long we keep it

We will keep your data on record for as long as you are a member of the WCU. After you leave the WCU, we will remove your record at your request. If we do not receive a request to delete, we will keep your record archived for future use, such as rating calculations for the current season. The record will be reactivated with your games history, if you re-register with the WCU.

2.5 Other uses

We would, however, like to use your name and email address to inform you of our future events and various updates from time to time. This information is not shared with third parties or other members and you can unsubscribe at any time via phone, email. Your name, phone number and email address may be used on websites if you are a captain of a team, for example. Again, please notify us, as above, if you do not want this information displayed. Becoming a member of the WCU assumes you consent to this. Please contact the WCU data controller (executivedirector@welshchessunion.uk) if you wish to be removed from the email list. The WCU may use your data to support an application to the Welsh Government for a grant as it is a condition that we provide evidence of progress in specific areas of our chess development programs.

2.6 What information will be held by the WCU?

All of the information you supply to the WCU, either directly or via clubs or tournaments, will be held only by them unless data has to be sent to FIDE for results and grading processing. Only those who need access to data will be allowed that access.

       2.6.1 Grading of Results

All tournaments will be graded by the WCU. The following information is required to be sent to the WCU grading system:

  • First Name
  • Surname
  • Date of Birth
  • WCU Membership Number
  • Gender
  • Club
  • The results of all games played (including date of the game, the name of each player, the colour played)

In January and July, the WCU will provide new grading lists, which will appear at http://www.welshchessunion.uk/wcu-geading-list/ (this spelling is correct at time of publishing).

There is also the WCU Rapid play list which will appear at www.wcurapidplayratings.co.uk. 

The websites will display the following information in public:

  • First Name
  • Surname
  • WCU Membership Number
  • Age at 01/09 of the year in which the grading list is published
  • Age at 01/01 of the year in which the grading list is published
  • Gender
  • School/Club where you play chess, or the geographic area where you play chess
  • The results of all games played (including date of the game, the name of each player, the colour played)
  • School Year
  • The player’s grade
  • Their results in WCU-graded tournaments
  • If a player hasn’t played for a long time, historic information about their grade

      2.6.2 What information will the WCU pass on to FIDE?

Where a tournament is FIDE-rated, the WCU is required to send the following information to FIDE, all of which is shown on the public rating list except where specified otherwise below:

  • Forename
  • Surname
  • Federation
  • Date of Birth (only the Year of Birth is made public)
  • Gender
    • Note: players have the right to ask FIDE not to publish their year of birth and/or gender: (This can be requested through the WCU’s International Rating Officer)
  • The results of all games played (including date of the game, the name of each player, the colour played)
  • The moves of all games played, except for games which are neither recorded on live boards nor recorded on scoresheets (note: this is only required for the title norm tournaments, but the WCU intends to do this for all games captured)

The WCU’s International Rating Officer will also have access to this when processing the rating data, and this will include the date of birth in full.

      2.6.3 What Tournament information will be collected?

In advance of a WCU run event, the WCU will update the WCU website periodically a list of all the entries received so far. This will show data from:

  • Forename
  • Surname
  • Federation
  • Title
  • Club
  • WCU Membership Number
  • Any WCU grades, FIDE ratings, or other national ratings that the player might hold
  • The tournament and the section that the player has entered

During the event, the WCU may publish pairings and results of all tournaments on Chess-Results.com, which will then be linked to, from the WCU website. This website will show the following information for each tournament they have entered:

  • Forename
  • Surname
  • Federation
  • Title
  • Club
  • The rating being used for pairing purposes in that tournament
  • The results of all games played (including date of the game, the name of each player, the colour played)
  • The moves of all games played, except for games which are neither recorded on live boards nor recorded on scoresheets

In addition, during the Event, the WCU may publish the moves of games as they are being played on live boards.

2.7 Summary of Data Collected and Why.

The following table summarizes the data we will collect and the reasons why.

Surname To allow us to identify the player
Forename To allow us to identify the player
Title To allow people who want to be known by any honorifics to be correctly addressed (e.g. Dr.)
Address To allow us to identify whether or not players are Welsh resident, and thus eligible for “Welsh” prizes. Prizes may be sent on to winners.
Telephone To allow us to contact you in case of emergency or problem with your entry
Email To allow us to contact you in case of emergency or problem with your entry. To let you know about WCU events or results.
Club/School To allow us to identify whether or not players are Welsh resident, and thus eligible for “Welsh” prizes. Also required for rating publication.
Date of Birth To allow us to assign players to correct age groups, or whether or not players are eligible for age-specific prizes. It is a FIDE requirement for FIDE-rated events that we report dates of birth.
Gender To allow us to identify whether or not players are eligible for gender-specific prizes (e.g. Boys prizes, Girls prizes).
Membership Number/FIDE ID To allow us to verify your membership number, and thus decide whether or not you are eligible to compete in WCU Events
FIDE rating / WCU grade / Other grade and source To allow us to verify whether or not a player is eligible to compete in a particular section (e.g. a rating-restricted section), Particularly for players who are outside Wales.
Game Scores and Results Games from all WCU events will be converted to electronic format and stored as part of the WCU Games Database. Results, including names and clubs, will be published on the WCU website.
Nationality To allow us to decide whether or not you are eligible to compete in, e.g. a closed event or certain International competitions.
Federation It is a FIDE requirement for FIDE-rated events that we report the player’s Federation.

This information is made public because it is of legitimate interest. This means that written consent is not required to gather this data, unless there is risk to the individual upon publication. In this case the individual must let the data controller be aware.

 2.8 Who is responsible for processing this information?

The data controller responsible for this information is Mark Adams of the Welsh Chess Union, who can be contacted at: executivedirector@welshchessunion.uk

 2.9 Photographs & video

The WCU may take a number of photographs and videos during the Event. These will include the following:

  • General photographs or videos of the playing area
  • Photographs of individual players, who may be identified, when they are playing their games or are present in the playing area
  • Photographs or videos of individual or team prize winners, who may be identified

These photographs and videos will potentially appear in one or more of the following places:

  • The Event website
  • The WCU site
  • WCU publications such as event reports and The Year Book
  • The WCU’s social media sites including, but not limited to, Facebook, YouTube, Twitter and Instagram
  • Local or national newspapers or magazines and their websites

The WCU is of the opinion that it has a legitimate interest to publish these photographs or videos for the benefit of helping to publicise a WCU event. In the case of juniors, please refer to the Parental Consent form.

2.10 What are your rights?

If at any point you believe the information we process on you is incorrect, you can request to see this information and have it corrected or deleted. If you wish to raise a complaint on how we have handled your personal data, you can contact our Data Protection Officer who will investigate the matter.

If you are not satisfied with our response or believe we are processing your personal data not in accordance with the law you can complain to the ICO.

This document can be downloaded for reference here.


Compliance advice for Zones and Clubs

Parent Consent Form